Founded in 1992, Meteomodem is a French company specialized in the field of Upper-air Observation. Today, it is one of the top leading radiosonde manufacturers and a major player in this specific business worldwide, Meteomodem customers include numerous NMS’s (National Meteorological Services) including Meteo France among many others, but also renown international Research Institutes &Laboratories for Research, Air Traffic Management adn Civil aviation authorities or again Military corps. Currently more than 150 Meteomodem systems (automatic and manual upper air stations) are operated in more than 60 countries throughout the world and are using Meteomodem radiosondes on a daily basis (Once or twice a day). As a world reference in this niche market, Meteomodem keeps on strengthening its position in the domains in meteorology and climatology.
Meteomodem cultivates its difference by its business model, promoting innovation and close cooperation with our customers and partners, while ensuring flexibility and reactivity from the technical, operational, and commercial aspect. All our products are “Made in France”. Meteomodem is an exporting company; indeed, a significant part of our turnover is made worldwide. Meteomodem is an active protagonist of the French know-how exportation worldwide. Moreover, it is a dynamic member of Prometeo, an association gathering the top leading French manufacturers aiming at promoting our vision of Meteorology and our know-how.

Foundation of Meteomodem by two engineers specialized in Research and Development, Georges Ricaud and Patrick Charpentier. Initially, Meteomodem was developing telecommunication instruments applied to maritime communications and distributed by Géolink. Meteomodem used to develop instruments that included radio links, GPS position and Inmarsat communication.

Development of the SR2K2 radio sounding system and its associated M2K2 radiosonde.

The first Robotsonde Prototype: A balloon train (Balloon+Radiosonde+Parachute) automatic launcher using the brand new M10 GPSonde.

Meteomodem reinvents its radiosonde with the M20. Improve the quality of your PTU and Wind measurements while reducing your radiosonde costs. With its weight of only 36 grams, the M20 can be used without a parachute and allows a g as saving of 20%.

CNES Poject
Further to a tender awarded by the ESA (the European Space Agency) Meteomodem made its first step in the field of radiosounding. The purpose of the study was to calculate the impact of wind gusts on the space agency site of Kourou (CNES) and the opportunity to develop a brand new concept of wind measurement using GPS.

Intercomparison 2
Participation in the Mauritius WMO-CIMO High Quality Radiosonde Intercomparison. Following the result report publication, the measurement of pressure using derivation from GPS is eventually recognized and recommended by the WMO. Today, all the radiosondes manufacturers use this method that actually participated directly and significantly in the international price decrease and fostered radiosounding especially in developing countries by turning it more affordable.

This tiny GPS radiosonde without Temperature and Humidity sensors is the new advanced technology alternative to theodolite optical devices to perform Pilotsounding and developped by Meteomodem.

Meteomodem launches its new Pilotsonde the PS20. The PS20 is a GPS sonde dedicated in wind measurement only. It is the most affordable solution for high quality wind profil measurement.

Meteomodem to develop a complete radiosounding system measuring wind + PTU adapted to the meteorological domain and market, the GL98 radiosonde was born. Meteomodem also became the pioneer in the use of GPS to calculate pressure. This breakthrough enabled Meteomodem to launch the first radiosonde without built in barometer.

Intercomparaison 3
Participation in the WMO-CIMO High Quality Radiosonde Intercomparison in China with the M2K2DC sonde. Development of a New Radiosonde further to this international event, the last generation of the M2K2 series were under development.

Based on the M10 radiosonde technology, the Dropsonde allows atmospheric profiling from the level of the Plane where it is dropped until the Ground, measuring Wind +PTU on the descent.

Participation in the WMO-CIMO High Quality Radiosonde Intercomparison in Lindenberg with the M20 sonde.

Participation in the WMO-CIMO High Quality Radiosonde Intercomparison in Brazil.

The M10 radiosonde is the Modem’s bestseller product for PTU and wind data collection. Used in more than 60 countries around the world, the M10 is a guarantee of quality and reliability of data.

Robotsonde 24
The Robotsonde is an automatic balloon launcher system that can perform 12 or 24 soundings scheduled or immediate. Compatible with M10 and M20 radiosonde.