Ozone sensor
This lightweight, compact balloon-borne instrument is the tool used around the world for measuring atmospheric ozone.
Unlike some ozonesondes, ECC sondes do not require an external electrical potential. The ECC gets its driving electromotive force from the difference in the concentration of the potassium iodide solutions in the instrument’s cathode and anode chambers. When ozone enters the sensor, iodine is formed in the cathode half cell. The cell then converts the iodine to iodide, a process during which electrons flow in the cell’s external circuit. By measuring the electron flow (i.e., the cell current) and the rate at which ozone enters the cell per unit time, ozone concentrations can be calculated.
For flight, the instrument is directly coupled to Meteomodem’s M20 radiosonde via its specific interface board.
SR10 ground sounding system support ozone measurement. Measured parameters are ozone, sonde pump temperature, air pressure, air temperature, humidity, and wind data.