High altitude wind Measurement
• Automatic accurate measurement of Wind (direction & speed), pressure and altitude
• Reliable operation up to 30 km altitude, no interruption in clouds or due to natural phenomenon (rain, snow, fog, sun glare….)
• Real time data display
• Automatic recording and storage of data
• Edition of Pilot messages (TAC and BUFR), STANAG, Aerological report…
• Automatic dissemination of meteorological messages ​
• Compatible with the SR10 station (complementary to radiosondes)
• Lightest instrument on the market with 32g

Pilotsondes are available in two colors, Red and Green, each one has a predefined radio frequency to make the preparation easy and fast for operators.
The frequency can be changed using an IR remote (optional).

Improve your wind measurements with the new pilotsonde-PS20. This GNSS sonde without Temperature and Humidity sensors, developed by Meteomodem since 2013, as the alternative to theodolite systems to perform Pilotsounding.
Compatible with the SR10 Ground Station, the Pilotsonde solution allows accurate and automatic measurement of Wind (direction & speed) , Pressure and Altitude. The associated software provides real time display of measurement as well as the automatic generation and transmission of meteorological messages and report.
This affordable and intuitive solution makes the procedure easier (only 1 operator needed) while improving the measurement quality.

Data to produce Pilot Messages (aeronautical information) and reliable measurement in high altitude

Military Forces
Ballistic test, aeronautical weather information, sky diving pre flight test

Aeronautic pleasure activities
Hot-air-balloon preflight test