Research & Climatology
Understanding and accurately predicting changes in the atmosphere requires adequate observations of the upper atmosphere. Radiosonde observations provide the most accurate upper air climate observations up to approximately 30 km height above the sea level, so the launch of radiosondes is the primary source of upper-air data and will remain so into the foreseeable future.
Radiosondes are widely used for scientific research and allow to obtain the upper-air data for:
Climate trends and long-term changes in the earth atmosphere;
Local severe storm, aviation, and marine forecasts;
Air pollution and ozone hole shrinking studies;
Computer based weather prediction models;
Weather and climate change research.
Meteomodem is proud to contribute to the development of scientific research by supplying our radiosondes, dropsondes, ozonesondes, ground receiving stations and aerosol counters LOAC to numerous national research centres, atmospheric research laboratories, space studies agencies, marine and ocean institutes. Besides, Meteomodem participates in the international reference observing network of the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) Reference Upper-Air Network (GRUAN). Meteo-France uses our radiosonde M10 on their GRUAN sites in Trappes and Reunion Island, and the M10 is currently in GRUAN certification process.

Our ozone sondes are easily prepared for use and potentially capable of yielding highly accurate ozone measurement data.
The Meteomodem ozone radiosounding system comprises an ENSCI-ECC ozone sensor, a OZAMP current to voltage interface board, and a M10/M20 radiosonde.
All the necessary interfacing circuitry (including the pump temperature sensor) is mounted and calibrated in our factory, ready to be mounted on the ENSCI metallic frame with only four screws.
A plug-in cable to the auxilliary sensor input of the M10/M20 radiosonde is provided.

The aerosols study in the troposphere and stratosphere has a major importance for the study of the climate and the air quality. Among the numerous instruments available, the state of the art is made up of aerosol particle counters providing distribution in diameters, yet most of them are very sensitive to the nature of aerosols introducing some biases in the retrieved size distribution.
The LOAC is an instrument compact and robust enough to be used at surface or launched under a balloon.

The Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) Reference Upper-Air Network (GRUAN) is an international reference observing network of sites measuring essential climate variables above Earth's surface, designed to fill an important gap in the current global observing system. GRUAN measurements are providing long-term, high-quality climate data records from the surface, through the troposphere, and into the stratosphere. These are being used to determine trends, constrain and calibrate data from more spatially‐comprehensive observing systems (including satellites and current radiosonde networks), and provide appropriate data for studying atmospheric processes. GRUAN is envisaged as a global network of eventually 30-40 sites that, to the extent possible, builds on existing observational networks and capabilities.